What they found
The women who sat for long periods of time, but considered themselves “moderately or very fidgety,” had no increased risk or mortality as a result of the sitting. The risk did increase in the women who were “very occasional fidgeters.”
What to make of this
This is apparently the first time researchers have considered whether fidgeting might help to counter the effects of sitting for long periods. More research will need to be done to back this up, but I think it is another tick in the “we need to move more” column. It appears that any movement is better than no movement. Next time you are at your desk fidgeting away and someone tells you to stop, you can quite rightly tell them that you are simply moving to negate the negative effects of sitting for prolonged periods of time, and point them in the direction of this article. Even if you are a fidgeter, I would suggest getting up every half hour or so and have a decent stretch or a short walk, your body will thank you for it.
P.S. I am not sure if the meme above is accurate, but I liked the picture and it goes well with the post :)