The goal of using a headache diary is to try and identify possible aggravating factors and other patterns of your headaches. Often, what you find can be surprising. You see, if we don't know what is causing the headaches, then getting long term relief can be difficult.
In this short video, I show you how to use a headache diary and why it can be so powerful.
Not sure what a headache diary looks like? then you can download the one I made below.
As an added bonus, if you do need to seek professional help for your headaches, a headache diary can also give your health professional a much better idea on what is going on.
If you are suffering from headaches, remember that there can be a neck component to them. If you try a lot of the tips I have discussed in previous posts, you have made your headache diary and are still not getting relief, maybe there is a spinal component to them.
If that is the case, chiropractic care could be a good option for you. Feel free to contact me to see if chiropractic care is right for you.
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