flexibility, coordination and so on. I came across some interesting Brazilian research recently. They have
developed a simple screening test of musculoskeletal fitness, called the Sitting-Rising Test (SRT). This test, put simply, is your ability to sit and then rise off the ground. Their research indicates that this test may predict your longevity in the next 5-6 years.
you will take off 3 points and therefore your total score will be 7. A video of the test can be seen here.
So what did the research show? what do the numbers mean?
The numbers correlated strongly with the participant’s risk of death during the study period of 6 years. For each unit increase in SRT score, participants gained a 21% improvement in survival.
- Those who scored who scored 0-3 were 6.5 times more likely to die during the study than those who scored 8-10.
- Those who scored 3-5-5.5 were 3.8 times more likely to die.
- Those who scored 6-7.5 were 1.8 times more likely to die.
“It’s a measure of your fitness at the most basic level, testing not only muscular strength but also flexibility, balance and motor coordination. All of these attributes are essential for day to day living and for maintaining your independence as you age”.
I suggest you try this test and see how you go, no matter what age you are and let me know the results. I scored a 9, I could get down easily, but just getting the momentum to stand back up was the hard bit for me and I used one hand. I could stand up without support but needed to rock back first and then use momentum to stand up. Let’s see how you go? Don’t be dis-heartened if you do not do very well. Hopefully it will give you some motivation or encouragement to start to make some changes in how well you are functioning. With a wide range of obesity, a lack of exercise and an increasingly sedentary workforce in our society, this type of testing will be become more and more prevalent.
If you are struggling with the test or have a few issues whilst doing it, it may be time to have a proper assessment or have the issue looked at. You can contact us here to find out more.
Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2012 Dec 13;21(7):892-898