I have always said that I practice what I preach. By this I mean doing appropriate stretches, exercises, eating well and so on, to maintain function and hopefully good health. I am like most people and made a few resolutions this year. My main resolution is to improve my fitness, strength and stability. To help me succeed in this resolution I am writing about it here to make sure I have accountability and succeed. Continue reading to find out what I am doing.
My plan initially is for 4 weeks of clean eating, regular strength training, flexibility work, stability work and postural retraining. What will these involve?
- Clean eating. I don’t like the term diet, I prefer healthy or clean eating. My goal is to eat healthy and hopefully lose some body fat. I want to learn more about nutrition so I will do this as I go through the process. I have heard from many sources that you cannot out train a poor diet.
- Strength training. My goal is to improve my strength and aerobic fitness. I haven’t finalised my final program but it will include general free weights, body weight exercises, kettlebell and TRX exercises. With a niggling lower abdominal injury I need to be careful not to aggravate it too much. Ultimately I would like to be able to do a muscle-up, pistol squat and a Planch. I am quite a way from these but one can aim high.
- Flexibility and stability work. I will work on flexibility and specific core stability.
- Postural retraining. This is the most exciting for me. I am putting together a program for core and postural retaining. Before I show and recommend it to patients I want to trial it myself to see how it works out. I will be my own guinea pig. As I get further along, I will get some other people to trial it as well.
There you have it, my resolution for the start of 2015. I will now go and take my measurements, as I mentioned in the previous post, to help track and see what results I can achieve in a short period of time. Stay tuned!