These types of headaches are so common these days. Have you ever had them?
Aside from chiropractic adjustments to help restore function to the upper neck (a lot of headaches have a neck component to them), I suggested she try a few simple things at home to help speed up the process and give her some relief.
She was amazed at how good some of them felt, and also how quickly she got relief from the simple tips/exercises.
It reminded me how beneficial these tips or exercises I shared with her actually are, so I thought it would be a good idea to make a few videos showing some of my favourite tips for headache relief (these actually help a lot of other things too).
Below are three video's I made for my social media channels showing 8 different headache tips.
If you are a headache sufferer I am confident a few of these could be beneficial for you.
If you do try them, and you are still suffering, it is likely that some one-on-one help maybe required. If that is the case, chiropractic care could be a good option.
Feel free to contact me to see if chiropractic care, or my approach to chiropractic care is right for you.
P.S. If you aren't following me already, here are links to my Facebook and Instagram pages.